Thursday, May 10, 2007


It seems like the only time I have to do this is when Rachel and Ammon are sleeping. That is really the only time I get to myself anymore. Not that I really regret it, but I find I can't get through books like I used to, or get stuff done around the house or in the shop anymore. I guess that is what happens when you have a kid... your life ceases to be your own. I think that's ok though. For the most part.

I think that another good thing about having to do all my own stuff after everyone is asleep is that I have a whole day of things to choose from to write about. A whole day's worth of inspiration, if you will. Today I think the most exciting thing is that Ammon has really started to use his hands for grabbing, not just hitting. Not hitting, but like he didn't know how to grab at things when he wanted to interact with them, so he had to bonk them around with closed fists. Not much you can do if you can't figure out how to open you hands and grab things. And it's not just the clutching reflex either....
He also has started to giggle. He has always been a very happy kid, smiling all the time and making happyish sounds, but just recently he has started to giggle. It's cute. And exciting at the same time, to see him growing and progressing like he is.
Ah, the joys of bing a father.

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